
解决 Flutter 编译问题:适应中国网络环境

本文分享了在中国特殊网络环境下,解决 Flutter 应用编译卡顿问题的经验。详细介绍了问题的症状、成因分析以及具体的解决方法,以使用国内镜像源加速依赖下载。适用于在中国进行 Flutter 开发的开发者,旨在帮助他们提高开发效率,顺利编译和运行Flutter应用。

解决 Flutter 编译问题:适应中国网络环境

Connecting ESP-IDF MCU to MQTT Broker with ESP-MQTT-C++

Learn how to connect an ESP-IDF MCU to an MQTT broker using the ESP-MQTT-C++ component. This tutorial covers prerequisites, implementation steps, and provides valuable resources for customization. Explore the power of ESP-IDF and MQTT for your IoT projects.

Connecting ESP-IDF MCU to MQTT Broker with ESP-MQTT-C++

Using Git Repositories as Dependencies in ESP-IDF Projects

Managing project dependencies is a crucial aspect of modern software development. When working on ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) projects, efficiently handling dependencies is equally important. The IDF Component Manager is a powerful tool that automates the process of downloading and integrating dependencies for ESP-IDF CMake projects. In this blog post, we'll delve into the process of incorporating Git repositories as dependencies in your ESP-IDF projects using the IDF Component Manager.

Using Git Repositories as Dependencies in ESP-IDF Projects

Intune Win32 Magic: Deploying Modbus Poll with Silent Install

Intune Win32 Magic: Deploying Modbus Poll with Silent Install

Troubleshooting Excessive Heat in Linear Regulator on ESP

Learn how to troubleshoot and analyze the excessive heat issue in a linear regulator, specifically focusing on the AMS117-3.3V linear regulator commonly used in ESP microcontrollers. This blog post provides a step-by-step guide, including the calculation of power dissipation, thermal resistance, and theoretical operating temperatures in different scenarios. Gain insights into temperature calculations and understand if the observed temperature is within the normal range for your ESP-based embedded system.

Troubleshooting Excessive Heat in Linear Regulator on ESP

Complete Guide to Installing AVR Toolchain and Using it in Windows Terminal

A comprehensive guide on installing and configuring the AVR toolchain for Windows and integrating it with Windows Terminal. Learn how to set up the AVR toolchain, configure Windows Terminal, and use the tools effectively for your AVR projects.

Complete Guide to Installing AVR Toolchain and Using it in Windows Terminal

Effortless C Code Documentation: Let ChatGPT and Doxygen Do the Work

Learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT and Doxygen to automate the generation of Doxygen documentation comments for C language code. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on leveraging ChatGPT's language capabilities and incorporating Doxygen's syntax to produce comprehensive and accurate documentation with ease.

Effortless C Code Documentation: Let ChatGPT and Doxygen Do the Work

Elevating Code Readability with AI: A Guide to Using ChatGPT as a Code Reviewer

Unlock the power of AI with ChatGPT as a code readability reviewer, ensuring your code is clear, maintainable, and developer-friendly.

Elevating Code Readability with AI: A Guide to Using ChatGPT as a Code Reviewer

We are so close to the tech in the movie Her

The blurry lines between what's real and what's not will perpetuate.

We are so close to the tech in the movie Her