
Resolving `EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS` Path Issues in ESP-IDF CI/CD with GitHub Actions

A deep dive into troubleshooting and resolving path issues in ESP-IDF projects when integrating with GitHub Actions.

Resolving `EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS` Path Issues in ESP-IDF CI/CD with GitHub Actions

Building a Button Matrix using ESP Button Component

Dive into the world of ESP32 and learn how to create a versatile button matrix using ESP IoT Solution button component. This detailed guide covers code explanation, Wokwi simulation, and practical insights for embedded system enthusiasts.

Building a Button Matrix using ESP Button Component

Mastering Embedded Testing in ESP-IDF: Unity and pytest-embedded with the Button Component Example

Explore the integration and application of Unity and pytest-embedded in ESP-IDF, using the button component as a practical example. Dive into the world of embedded testing and discover how these frameworks enhance the reliability and functionality of ESP32-based applications.

Mastering Embedded Testing in ESP-IDF: Unity and pytest-embedded with the Button Component Example

Streamlining Keypad Testing: C++ Macros and Template Metaprogramming

Discover how to efficiently test keypads using C++ macros and template metaprogramming, simplifying your code and boosting test coverage.

Streamlining Keypad Testing: C++ Macros and Template Metaprogramming

解决 Flutter 编译问题:适应中国网络环境

本文分享了在中国特殊网络环境下,解决 Flutter 应用编译卡顿问题的经验。详细介绍了问题的症状、成因分析以及具体的解决方法,以使用国内镜像源加速依赖下载。适用于在中国进行 Flutter 开发的开发者,旨在帮助他们提高开发效率,顺利编译和运行Flutter应用。

解决 Flutter 编译问题:适应中国网络环境