
Setting Up Pytest-Embedded with Wokwi Simulator for ESP32 Testing

Learn how to set up Pytest-embedded with the Wokwi Simulator for testing ESP32 applications, streamlining your embedded systems testing without needing physical hardware.

Setting Up Pytest-Embedded with Wokwi Simulator for ESP32 Testing

Building a Button Matrix using ESP Button Component

Dive into the world of ESP32 and learn how to create a versatile button matrix using ESP IoT Solution button component. This detailed guide covers code explanation, Wokwi simulation, and practical insights for embedded system enthusiasts.

Building a Button Matrix using ESP Button Component

Mastering Embedded Testing in ESP-IDF: Unity and pytest-embedded with the Button Component Example

Explore the integration and application of Unity and pytest-embedded in ESP-IDF, using the button component as a practical example. Dive into the world of embedded testing and discover how these frameworks enhance the reliability and functionality of ESP32-based applications.

Mastering Embedded Testing in ESP-IDF: Unity and pytest-embedded with the Button Component Example