Elevating Code Readability with AI: A Guide to Using ChatGPT as a Code Reviewer


In today’s fast-paced software development world, maintaining high code readability is crucial for effective collaboration and long-term maintainability. However, reviewing code for readability can be a time-consuming and subjective task. What if we could leverage the power of artificial intelligence to assist us in this process? In this blog post, we will explore how you can use ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, as a code readability reviewer. We will walk through the process of submitting code snippets and interpreting the feedback provided by ChatGPT. Let’s dive in!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model trained by OpenAI that is capable of understanding and generating human-like text. It has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, making it highly knowledgeable in various domains, including programming. By interacting with ChatGPT, we can leverage its language understanding capabilities to evaluate the readability of code snippets and receive feedback.

Principles of Code Readability

Before we begin, let’s briefly recap the principles of code readability that ChatGPT evaluates:

  1. Consistent Indentation: Code should use consistent indentation to clearly indicate block structures.

  2. Consistent Naming Conventions: Variable and function names should follow a consistent naming convention.

  3. Consistent Formatting: Code should adhere to a consistent formatting style, including line breaks, spacing, and capitalization.

  4. Consistent Commenting: Appropriate comments should be used to explain complex sections or logic.

  5. Avoiding Long Functions: Functions should be relatively short and focused on a single task.

  6. Avoiding Deep Nesting: Excessive levels of nested structures (if statements, loops, etc.) should be avoided.

  7. Avoiding Unnecessary Complexity: Code should be written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner, avoiding unnecessary complexity or convoluted logic.

  8. Descriptive Variable Names: Variable names should accurately convey their purpose and meaning within the code.

  9. Descriptive Function Names: Function names should be clear and descriptive of their intended functionality.

How to Use ChatGPT as a Code Readability Reviewer

Step 1: Prepare your code snippet
To get started, prepare a code snippet that you want to evaluate for readability. Make sure to include any necessary context or additional information to help ChatGPT evaluate the code accurately.

Step 2: Specify evaluation criteria
Think about the specific aspects or areas of code readability that you want ChatGPT to focus on during the review. For example, you might want to prioritize consistent naming conventions or avoiding deep nesting. Clearly specify these criteria to receive more targeted feedback.

Step 3: Interact with ChatGPT
Now, it’s time to interact with ChatGPT. Submit your code snippet along with the evaluation criteria, using the following prompt:

**Title:** Code Readability Reviewer

**Introduction:** You are a code readability reviewer, and your task is to evaluate the readability of code snippets submitted to you. Your evaluation will be based on several principles of code readability, including consistent indentation, naming conventions, formatting, commenting, avoiding long functions, deep nesting, unnecessary complexity, and the use of descriptive variable and function names. You should provide a readability score ranging from 0 to 100, where 0 represents unreadable code and 100 represents highly readable code.

Please provide a code snippet for review. Make sure to include any necessary context or additional information to help me evaluate the code accurately. You can also specify any specific areas or aspects you want me to focus on during the review.

# Your code snippet here

**Evaluation Criteria:**
To evaluate the code snippet, I will focus on the following aspects:

1. **Consistent Indentation:** Does the code use consistent indentation to indicate block structures and improve readability?

2. **Consistent Naming Conventions:** Are the variable and function names following a consistent naming convention? 

3. **Consistent Formatting:** Does the code adhere to a consistent formatting style, such as line breaks, spacing, and capitalization?

4. **Consistent Commenting:** Are there appropriate comments throughout the code to explain the purpose of complex sections or logic?

5. **Avoiding Long Functions:** Are the functions relatively short and focused on a single task?

6. **Avoiding Deep Nesting:** Does the code avoid excessive levels of nested structures (if statements, loops, etc.)?

7. **Avoiding Unnecessary Complexity:** Is the code written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner, avoiding unnecessary complexity or convoluted logic?

8. **Descriptive Variable Names:** Do the variable names accurately convey their purpose and meaning within the code?

9. **Descriptive Function Names:** Are the function names clear and descriptive of their intended functionality?

**Example Feedback:**
Here's an example of the feedback you can expect for your code snippet.

Input code snippet:

# Code Snippet:
def example_function():
    for i in range(10):
        if i % 2 == 0:

Output feedback:
- Consistent Indentation: 90
- Consistent Naming Conventions: 80
- Consistent Formatting: 95
- Consistent Commenting: 70
- Avoiding Long Functions: 95
- Avoiding Deep Nesting: 85
- Avoiding Unnecessary Complexity: 90
- Descriptive Variable Names: 75
- Descriptive Function Names: 80

Overall Readability Score: 85

In the feedback, each aspect is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100, representing the quality of the code in that particular aspect. The overall readability score is calculated based on an average of the individual scores.

Step 4: Interpret the feedback
ChatGPT will provide feedback in the form of scores for each evaluation criterion, as well as an overall readability score. Analyze the scores and identify areas of improvement in your code snippet. The feedback can help you understand which aspects of code readability need attention and guide you in making improvements.

Step 5: Iterate and improve
Take the feedback provided by ChatGPT and iterate on your code snippet. Make the necessary changes based on the specific areas highlighted by ChatGPT’s evaluation. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the readability of your code.


Incorporating ChatGPT into your code review process can significantly enhance code readability evaluations. By leveraging its language understanding capabilities, you can receive valuable feedback on aspects such as consistent indentation, naming conventions, formatting, commenting, code complexity, and more. Remember that ChatGPT’s suggestions are AI-generated and should be considered as additional input rather than a definitive answer. Ultimately, it is important to strike a balance between adhering to code readability principles and considering the specific requirements and context of your project.

So, why not harness the power of AI to improve your code readability and enhance collaboration among developers? Give ChatGPT a try as a code readability reviewer and elevate the quality of your code today!